Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello again!

Hey everyone! I have not foresaken you! Lol! I have a ton of catching up to do, I promise to be back really really soon. Love you all  :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Date Night ;)

Sushi! A must have for date night with the Husband!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Extra Energy Channeling

Process for General Assistance
  1. Sit quietly, and think carefully about the area around which you want light held or extra assistance. Review all the thoughts you have had about this area, the people involved, and what you have already done about it.
  2. Ask yourself, will I use the help or assistance I am requesting? Am I really ready to transform this situation?
  3. Let go of all thoughts of this situation, worries about possible outcomes, and simply hold it in your mind as energy that needs more light. You might even make a symbol of this situation.
  4. Go to the deepest part of your being and make the commitment to grow through joy rather than through pain and struggle in this area.
  5. Think of this situation and formulate a request for help.
  6. Relax your body, calm your emotions, and clear your mind. From this state of peace and clarity, ask for assistance from your higher self, your soul, your guide, Orin, DaBen, an angel, Master, or whoever feels right.
  7. Imagine that one or more of these Beings, including your soul and higher self, are responding to your call. Receive the light that is being sent to you. Let this light come into your heart, so you can find loving solutions. Receive light into your mind, so you can know more clearly what steps to take. Draw this light into your throat, so you can speak and say those things that will transform this situation.
  8. Think of this situation as you find it as light or as a symbol. Picture light coming into this situation. Imagine that this situation is transforming as more light comes into it. If it is a symbol, picture how this symbol changes.
  9. Let go of any picture of how this situation will change. Surrender your expectations and open to receive whatever is for your highest good.
  10. As you wake up every morning, become aware of the light being held around you, and add light to this situation or any other you are working on. Ask if there are any concrete steps you can take that day to add light to this situation.
  11. Remember to thank the guides and Masters for their help. The greatest gift you give them is using this light for your growth. Guides can only give you as much assistance and extra light as you use, so take the action and make the changes that occur to you. Your contribution to changing this situation is as important as the light that will be sent to you.

*Thank you to