Definitions of some common and uncommon words I use in this blog

Prime Creator- "God" -the spiritual being that created all, everything and everyone. Sometimes also called: All Being One, Source, The Creator, The Great Being, etc.

Ascension- ( I could speak volumes on this topic... ) the act of rising to a higher level. (Brief enough? LOL!)

Metaphysics- philosophical study of being and knowing.

Metaphysical- without material form or substance

Cosmos- in the general sense, a cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system.

Being- the substance, nature, and essence of anything existent.

Channeling- a natural way of communicating between humans and angelic beings, nature spirits, non physical entities or even animals and pets.

Chakra- a person can collect energy from several different levels of vibrations–including color–that are utilized in various parts of the body. Throughout our body we have main energy centers, which are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Each of these main energy centers are referred to as chakra.

Channeler- very similar to an interpreter or translator. They allow themselves to feel or sense the communication from the other being. The channeler then attaches human words to the communications for the understanding by themselves or other humans.

Quantum- is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction

Quantum Physics- the body of scientific principles which attempts to explain the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and atomic particles.