My Early Questions: Who? What? How?

Prime Creator- 
Who others may call God, Buddha, Allah, etc.

Prime Creator is essentially "God". ( SIDE NOTE * I will normally refer to whom we call God as Creator for the most part. Religions have made God out to be some long bearded, white haired man sitting on a big gold throne up in Heaven judging and condemning us day after day, that is not what God is ultimately... Which is why I refrain (most times) from calling our Source, our Prime Creator- God ) It is light and love. All things good and pure. There is a central core that stays stable or static and does not move. That is the center of Prime Creator. The rest of all life revolves around this Prime Source in a counter clockwise direction. All life that spins around Prime Creator is a reflection of  it. We all have aspects that are very similar to this Source. If you keep that in mind, it will help you to understand why these cycles exist in this universe. There is a master plan, and all life is part of that master plan and is integrated into it.

How It All Started?
The higher realms were created first, right after all the souls were created. Other parts of the cosmos were created before this part of the galaxy was begun. Our galaxy is rather young (millions of  years) in comparison to other galaxies. There were beings inhabiting other parts of the universe -and beyond- before the earth was created. In those past creations, rules were set up, according to which souls settled and developed. When new planets and solar systems are created, souls may inhabit them and build colonies and expand their experiences. Prime Creator always stays in one part of the cosmos. It is too large to move and cannot bring itself into the lower levels of existence. But Prime creator wanted to experience and create, and that is how the souls first came into existence! We, as human beings, are pieces of Prime Creator. That is what our soul is- a condensed version of  a particle from Prime Creator.  Our human form, our bodies, are just a vessel to house our soul, which is our true essence! Side note- The sky represents the cosmos from which all life came and to which all life will return as we complete the evolutionary process and learn once again to join with the higher dimensions and become our true selves.

*** I hope I haven't lost you yet... I can tell you the more you read, study and meditate, the easier it is to understand. Especially once you find like minded people to discuss all this with, I promise.

Who Man Is-
To begin with, man does not simply HAVE a soul- man IS the soul that inhabits the various bodies. Man's soul is love of the purest kind. From an even higher perspective (beyond soul) man is spirit, a divine spark of that which we call "God". And it is this spirit that manifests as soul, which then incarnates upon the Earth in order to grow, evolve, expand, learn life lessons, and ultimately return home to Spirit or Prime Creator, bringing with it upon its return the unique individuality and spiritual treasures it has accumulated through its process of reincarnation in the material worlds. Therefore, with the assumption that humanity does indeed reincarnate, using each incarnation to experience and ultimately master the various bodies. We are made up of  4 lower "bodies": the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. Here is my post on our 4 lower bodies where I go into more details on each one.

Humans are made of the stuff that everything else is made of in the Universe. If we look at the human body, what is it? Cells, molecules, atoms, sub-atomic particles AND pure energy. The whole Universe is made up of energy, and at this level everything is vibrating. Hence we are all made of this energy, hence- WE ARE ALL CONNECTED and living in a "thought Universe".  An intangible world affects the tangible world of our experience. A spiritual world affects the physical world. Quantum physics say: particles are entangled and connected, it is space separated and time separated. Since everything was entangled at the moment of the Big Bang  that means everything is still touching. Space is just giving us the illusion that there are separate objects!

Take the form of energy in music... when vibrating at a consistent beat, it alters your consciousness and expands the energy in your body! It's all exciting when you really start to connect the dots!!

Here is a short clip from Phenomenon with John Travolta explaining everything being energy and that we are all connected.

And here is a video clip from the movie Powder, more on the subject of how we are all connected.

Heaven & Hell, Do They Exist? 
Heaven and Hell are states of mind. But states of mind manifest as frequencies, which from our perspective are places. Therefore it is correct to say that heaven and hell are places, yet they are in deed states of mind. Did I confuse you? Sounds confusing just re-reading it back aloud, LOL!

Hell is separation from our Creator. Simple as that. I couldn't make that statement any more simple. In Conversations With Caesar by Carolyn Evers, Caesar explains "hell" (which is not "hell" at all) as The Bardo. He states (as channeled through Carolyn):

I find myself in a world of despair. It is a gray world. Not only what I see is gray, but also my mind has become gray in its numbness.This is not a state to be relished, but a state to be pitied. Caesar, the greatest man of my time, confined to a world of utter despair, and I have roamed here in this place for such a long time. When I crossed over to this land, I thought I would find myself  in the land of my gods from Rome. rather, I find myself in a land which I would have held in contempt when I lived. This is a land where suffering is so intense because it is a land of hopelessness. This is my due, because there were so many souls who suffered as a result of my actions and orders. 

I write this through my daughter because she has agreed to help me, and I want to tell the world what awaits them if they transgress against universal law.

We suffer because we made others suffer. Anyone who makes another suffer languishes in a state of what I would call no-life. We are destined to walk a land that is barren and gray, our souls wishing to be in the company of our loved ones, but it is like the shifting sands of the desert here. I asked higher beings what this land is called, and they tell me it is called the Bardo I never heard such a word before this, but that is what I am told. It is like a life suspended. I have the capability to observe my dismal life and ponder well what I did before reaching this state. No one forces me to stay in this state of mind. I suffer because I have my own thoughts, ones I cannot forget. I live in extreme punishment, yet no one hurts me. I have only my memories. No one punishes me except my own mind. It is my hell and my punishment.

I want others to hear me and heed me. There is a place of torment. it is not fire and brimstone, as you may think, but it is torment of the greatest imaginable kind because I relive over and over what is in my mind. I am not complaining, because I deserved this. I talk about my misery in the hope that some would be deterred from taking advantage of others.

So, now, from what I gather- Bardo is a place of deep reflection and review of the recent past life. It seems that the soul must pass through the Bardo before it advances to the higher realms after death. The soul must understand completely the wrongs committed in that lifetime.

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