Monday, October 10, 2011


This shocking documentary is another must see, in my book anyways. I believe it is the most shocking video of truth that you will ever see. All I ask is that you watch with an open mind, setting aside your beliefs for the next 2 or so hours. Or break it up and watch 30 minutes here, 30 minutes there. I realize if you're not used to these things, it can be kinda hard to just sit and watch for an extended period of time!

I did research a litany of these facts that were brought up. In what I could dig up or research- most things panned out dead on. 

I will admit the 1st hour and 45 minutes are rather depressing, talking mostly about how the deck is so stacked against us, and only the last 15 minutes or so talk about how we can change this with love. It would have been quite wonderful to turn the ratio from 75% negativity to 75% positivity! Anywho, enjoy!

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