Monday, October 10, 2011

Should I Start A New Business Venture?

So as I mentioned yesterday, I have some very exciting news to share, or maybe to "bounce off" my readers... My Quote Of The Day yesterday was from C..S Lewis-  "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream". Those are some pretty powerful words.

For the past week or two I have been drawn to crystals and their energy and transformational properties. Just really drawn to crystals and learning as much as I can about them. For instance, certain crystals and gemstones have healing properties. They can help heal ailments, disease and dis-ease, strengthen auras, cleansing, creating, and so much more.

I am asking and inquiring about learning Crystal Healing techniques. And perhaps I just may start my own business. Rent out an office and go with it. It's all very exciting to me! I don't think I will charge a fee for my services. I do understand that I will need to make a living to pay my bills, as my husband stated, lol! BUT I firmly believe that if I just ask for donations for services provided, my office rent will get paid and I will receive sufficient money thereafter for personal bills. Plus I still want to do hair, because it is a passion of mine, (and I have my set fees already for that).

* I do apologize if this post is scattered in every direction. I have a lot of people around me, all talking at the moment, and I keep losing my train of thought! *

So... that is the exciting news. I'll keep everyone updated on how this rolls out   :)


  1. God doesn't want us to participate with these practices because it draws us away from Him and we begin to trust in spiritual sources other than Him. At its core, crystal healing is a form of mysticism, witchcraft, and occult practices. Jesus never used crystals to heal.We are not to participate in any forms of sorcery, witchcraft, divination, etc.

  2. Before I go on let me state for the record, that I believe that the use of crystals, aromatherapy, herbs, vitamins, sound, light, or any other form of alternative treatment is a matter of personal choice.

    I am not, nor do I recommend the conversion of those that choose not to participate in these other gifts from the universal spirit.

    I pick no fight with those of various religious doctrine who oppose these ideas, and ask only for the same courtesy in return.
