Friday, October 7, 2011

A "Quick" Opening Of The Quickening

I love the opening introduction to The Quickening video....

"As increasingly intense events unfold in the coming months, they will teach humanity the lessons of pride and humility by demonstrating the futility of our efforts to control the world outside of ourselves. When people finally tire of wishing that the world is something that it isn't, and when they learn to be at peace with the way things are, then they will see it all as part of the divine plan, then may they also learn to see that exerting ones personal will to try to stop these events from happening would be like trying to stop others from having the same opportunity for learning.

For it is our selfishness and ignorant use of free will that has brought us collectively into our present state of existence. Therefore, perhaps it is only by an 180 degree reversal through selflessness, through the complete and utter surrender of ourselves and our personal will to the divine will of the Dao that we may allow the forces of true change and redemption to work through us and liberate us completely through the unholy illusion of this world."

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