Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Full Moon Tomorrow!

So tomorrow is the full moon! Chris and I have planned to sit outside and meditate during the full moon. AND we will also eat our full moon cake that Lou Rogers (owner of our favorite sushi hang-out) gave us last week  :)

I don't think he even realized that the full moon was so close! He told us (he is from China) that it is a Chinese tradition to sit out under the full moon on the Chinese New Year and partake in full moon cakes with your family and loved ones. While eating the cute little cakes (I'll post a picture!) you talk about what changes you will make for the better in the upcoming year.

Well tomorrow night is not Chinese New Year, but it is a full moon and we plan on eating those cakes!!! We'll have our own little tradition, lol! P.S. I've also added a full moon calendar link to the left, under Awesomeness. Enjoy!

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