Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two Suns???

All around the world people are seeing TWO SUNS. Some people say it is Planet X or Nibiru....Others say it is a very rare optical refraction. But I'm not sure I dig the governmental response about optical refraction. If it is indeed so very rare- why have sightings been happening as far back as 2007, steady into the end of 2011. Wouldn't seem that rare of an occurrence if that is the case. And remember Nostradamus predicting "the cloud will make the sun appear double."

A lot of people are also saying that the chem trails in their city are becoming more and more popular as of late. I can attest to this while taking my husband to work last week. About 6:30 am, the sky was FULL of chem trails. Like grid work. Which is why we noticed it, when normally we don't.

More and more people from all over the world are coming out with their picture and/or video proof. Check it out for yourself. Here are a few videos I've ran into lately.

In the next video you can see where they are trying to chem trail as fast as they can to "fog up" the sky....

And also one of many videos shot seeing two moons.

Funny, in 1984 Hollywood made a movie titled 2001 Space Odyssey. In the movie- it speaks of two suns. "Some day the people of the new sun, will meet the children of the old, and I think they will be our friends." 

Wow! That blew my mind! Here's the clip, very very interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lPO7fQ0Zdw&feature=related 

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