Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Springfield, Coming To A Town Near You!

So, you've surely heard of Occupy Wall Street by now. When I first heard of it, the television and news programs were not covering it. Not one bit. But all that's changing! Occupy Wall Street in New York has been operating for around three weeks now.

For those of you who don't know what's going on, here's Wikipedia's entry

Well yesterday by a strange series of events, I was led to the Occupy Springfield FaceBook page. Just a few days ago I was trying to come up with a way I could reach out and start a movement here and "bam" (as Emeril would say), it was hand delivered straight to me, signed and sealed! Man I love the Universe! The first meeting was lastnight at a local park to discuss possible venues for protest and such.

Here is the news coverage in Springfield KSPR wrote about the meeting and the group.

Anddd.... a few photos of the first meeting at Phelps Grove Park lastnight courtesy of  C. Annies Photography.

And lastly AnonOps Communications. Where it all started. They're keeping us updated through anonymous video being recording at Occupy Wall Street New York, sadly along with all the police brutality that is going on. Stay tuned folks. I'll keep you updated on my end. 

We are the 99%.

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