Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hello, I'm Your Guide

So let me tell you an exciting bit of news today. I think I blogged a very tiny bit on a channeling book I got a couple of weeks ago, slightly used, but new to me? Well I never knew much about channeling before I read this book. In fact, all I thought I knew, was actually pretty ridiculous, knowing all I know now. Confusing?! Sorry, lol.

Anyway, I can't remember at the moment why I thought about channeling or anything it pertained to. But it sparked in my mind just the same. For one reason or another. Then I came upon a book at a very neat very little local store and seemed drawn to this pink book, on teaching yourself how-to channel. I picked it up, skimmed my fingers over it, smelled it (yes, weird I know) (I'm a smeller-so what?!) it smelled like old books, lol! I know you were wondering... Back on track now, after sniffing this book, I read the blurb located on the back and then skimmed through a few pages. I liked. It intrigued me! So lastly, I looked at the price. 6 bucks, can't beat that.

I  read the book in two days. For an informational book it was wrote very... smoothly? It all worked. The wordings and information, technical skills, laymen term explanations, etc. "Opening To Channel- How to connect with your Guide" by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer is the book, btw! Then I started practicing the Achieving A Trance State techniques it talks about in the middle chapters:
1. Achieving a relaxed state
2. Holding a focus and connection
3. Attuning with life force energy
4. Trance posture and position
and finally....
5. First meeting with your guide
the last step,
6. Verbally channeling your guide

I have only made it to step 5, I think! The book keeps saying that the most common initial block people have is the fear that it is not the guide who is speaking to them, but themselves! Some people think it is just their imagination when first meeting their guide while in a trance state. So that is my dilemma. My ego self keeps saying that it was only my imagination- we are not powerful enough as humans to talk to highly ascended Master Guides. But my spiritual self, my Being says that I met my guide- in my mind.

The first attempt at channeling a higher spirit guide I imagined my conciseness floating higher and higher. Until I was met with a door and on the other side of the door it was so full of light and love and I felt it busting at the seams with peace. I was also overcome with a sense of peace and love- I got teary eyed, I had never felt so at peace then that time, right then!

The second time I channeled I asked for a name, I got the letter "D" very big letter, in my mind's eye. Then I got the letters "o" and "m". So I keep calling my guide Dom, until (I think it's a "he") tells me different!!! I also imagined him sitting on a red cushion, slightly floating, with a goldish colored infiniti symbol on the front side of the cushion....

It was very hard to find a connection the third time I tried. So I'm hoping fourth time's a charm!

Here is a link to buy Opening To Channel on Amazon, 4 and a half star rating (out of 5)! But I give it a FIVE!!!

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