Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I've Hesitated To Post This...

I'm still not sure I'm going to blog this post when I'm done writing it. I admit, it even sounds crazy to me, when I tell people what's been going on in my life lately. I don't tell many people, only those closest to me. If one of them had came to me and told me what I'm about to tell you- I would half believe them.

Well actually I would totally believe them now! You know how you hear some pretty far out things that happen to other individuals. But until it happens to you, you're pretty skeptical? Well, that was me.

We just moved recently, so we've been going non stop for the last couple of weeks before the big move. Right before we found out we would be making a move, we converted one of the guest rooms into a meditation room. Remember me sharing that with you? Then a bit later I shared a post explaining how sometimes I got scared in our new meditation room. I felt like someone was watching me. Then each time I meditated it got increasingly worse. I would become more and more scared.

So, fast forward the move, and we are settled in our new home. The second night in the house Chris and I tried to meditate in our bedroom. It didn't go to well. I was the most scared I had been to date. I had an overwhelming sense of dread and trepidation. Chris kept telling me he could feel it too. After a couple more nights of just trying to work through it and keep pressing on (while invoking Archangel Michael and God to protect me with their white light) I just couldn't do it anymore. It was physically exhausting me. Plus I was experiencing light but annoying headaches that would not go away, days on end.

I kept waking up in the mornings with scratches and bruises all over my body. Chris said even if one of us had a hang nail, it wouldn't create that many scratches. And what about the bruises? I was starting to get really frustrated I couldn't meditate anymore for fear of being attacked, or just plain scared out of my mind. I love meditating. I was reaching planes I had never even imagined before. Good things were happening, doors were opening, it was amazing. Then it all had to come to a sudden halt.

Fast forward a few more days and I am sitting in church and we always do a full minute of meditation at service. One of my favorite parts of the message! This Sunday was one of the most attended services in a long time. The chairs were packed with people! So imagine the energy from everyone when we began meditation.

Oh boy. It was not good. After only five or six seconds I was terrified. I couldn't move. My body felt paralyzed. I couldn't move my head, my arms, nothing. I couldn't speak. I felt like two hands were forcing my shoulders down. Planting me in place. I wanted to jump up and run- and fast. Tears silently slid down my cheeks but that was all the movement I could muster. After those 60 long seconds and meditation broke- so did whatever was going on with me. I fought the urge to jump up and run straight to the bathroom. Chris looked over at me and seen me crying, he didn't say anything. I think he thought I was just moved by the meditation!

Finally I started asking people, "what is going on here?" I've gotten a lot of feed back. Then I went to a really awesome store here in town, where a very helpful employee helped me learn how to smudge with sage to cleanse the negative or darkness from me and our home. So.... this is what I will be doing tonight when Chris arrives home from work. I'll upload a video on smudging so you can see what it is I'm referring to. I really hope this works. I don't think all the entities are negative around me. Maybe none of them are. My father in law had a pendulum dousing done for me, and the world renowned Robert Pettit told him that there were 3 entities that have attached themselves to me. Close friends or relatives that have passed away but are stuck and can not move on. I'm not sure what to make of any of this. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed! Namaste'

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