Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Operation Full Moon a Success!

Operation Full Moon was a success, lol! Chris and I had a really good night just sitting out under the moon tonight and making each other laugh. We talked to the girls a bit earlier in the night, told them about the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, and about a possible corn maze adventure. They were excited, maybe as much as me!

So Chris and I decided to take some pictures of the moon too. Yeah, not so good. We just have a simple point and shoot, your run of the mill digital camera. Well, as you can see, each attempt got progressively better... but no professional pics here folks! It was well worth the documenting though, and most importantly we had a lot of fun doing it   :)

Now how about those Chinese moon cakes??? Not. so. good. Because I couldn't find the ingredient list or anything wrote in English, I had trouble eating mine and they were fairly small. I can't explain what they tasted like because I've never eaten anything like 'em before!  All in all- tonight was a great bonding experience with my most wonderful husband. Mission accomplished.

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