Sunday, October 16, 2011

Date Night ;)

Sushi! A must have for date night with the Husband!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Extra Energy Channeling

Process for General Assistance
  1. Sit quietly, and think carefully about the area around which you want light held or extra assistance. Review all the thoughts you have had about this area, the people involved, and what you have already done about it.
  2. Ask yourself, will I use the help or assistance I am requesting? Am I really ready to transform this situation?
  3. Let go of all thoughts of this situation, worries about possible outcomes, and simply hold it in your mind as energy that needs more light. You might even make a symbol of this situation.
  4. Go to the deepest part of your being and make the commitment to grow through joy rather than through pain and struggle in this area.
  5. Think of this situation and formulate a request for help.
  6. Relax your body, calm your emotions, and clear your mind. From this state of peace and clarity, ask for assistance from your higher self, your soul, your guide, Orin, DaBen, an angel, Master, or whoever feels right.
  7. Imagine that one or more of these Beings, including your soul and higher self, are responding to your call. Receive the light that is being sent to you. Let this light come into your heart, so you can find loving solutions. Receive light into your mind, so you can know more clearly what steps to take. Draw this light into your throat, so you can speak and say those things that will transform this situation.
  8. Think of this situation as you find it as light or as a symbol. Picture light coming into this situation. Imagine that this situation is transforming as more light comes into it. If it is a symbol, picture how this symbol changes.
  9. Let go of any picture of how this situation will change. Surrender your expectations and open to receive whatever is for your highest good.
  10. As you wake up every morning, become aware of the light being held around you, and add light to this situation or any other you are working on. Ask if there are any concrete steps you can take that day to add light to this situation.
  11. Remember to thank the guides and Masters for their help. The greatest gift you give them is using this light for your growth. Guides can only give you as much assistance and extra light as you use, so take the action and make the changes that occur to you. Your contribution to changing this situation is as important as the light that will be sent to you.

*Thank you to

Hello, I'm Your Guide

So let me tell you an exciting bit of news today. I think I blogged a very tiny bit on a channeling book I got a couple of weeks ago, slightly used, but new to me? Well I never knew much about channeling before I read this book. In fact, all I thought I knew, was actually pretty ridiculous, knowing all I know now. Confusing?! Sorry, lol.

Anyway, I can't remember at the moment why I thought about channeling or anything it pertained to. But it sparked in my mind just the same. For one reason or another. Then I came upon a book at a very neat very little local store and seemed drawn to this pink book, on teaching yourself how-to channel. I picked it up, skimmed my fingers over it, smelled it (yes, weird I know) (I'm a smeller-so what?!) it smelled like old books, lol! I know you were wondering... Back on track now, after sniffing this book, I read the blurb located on the back and then skimmed through a few pages. I liked. It intrigued me! So lastly, I looked at the price. 6 bucks, can't beat that.

I  read the book in two days. For an informational book it was wrote very... smoothly? It all worked. The wordings and information, technical skills, laymen term explanations, etc. "Opening To Channel- How to connect with your Guide" by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer is the book, btw! Then I started practicing the Achieving A Trance State techniques it talks about in the middle chapters:
1. Achieving a relaxed state
2. Holding a focus and connection
3. Attuning with life force energy
4. Trance posture and position
and finally....
5. First meeting with your guide
the last step,
6. Verbally channeling your guide

I have only made it to step 5, I think! The book keeps saying that the most common initial block people have is the fear that it is not the guide who is speaking to them, but themselves! Some people think it is just their imagination when first meeting their guide while in a trance state. So that is my dilemma. My ego self keeps saying that it was only my imagination- we are not powerful enough as humans to talk to highly ascended Master Guides. But my spiritual self, my Being says that I met my guide- in my mind.

The first attempt at channeling a higher spirit guide I imagined my conciseness floating higher and higher. Until I was met with a door and on the other side of the door it was so full of light and love and I felt it busting at the seams with peace. I was also overcome with a sense of peace and love- I got teary eyed, I had never felt so at peace then that time, right then!

The second time I channeled I asked for a name, I got the letter "D" very big letter, in my mind's eye. Then I got the letters "o" and "m". So I keep calling my guide Dom, until (I think it's a "he") tells me different!!! I also imagined him sitting on a red cushion, slightly floating, with a goldish colored infiniti symbol on the front side of the cushion....

It was very hard to find a connection the third time I tried. So I'm hoping fourth time's a charm!

Here is a link to buy Opening To Channel on Amazon, 4 and a half star rating (out of 5)! But I give it a FIVE!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Occupation of Springfield- Great Job!

Here are some pictures from the first Occupation of Springfield. Way to go guys! And we made the news too! This Occupation occurred Oct. 9th, 2011.

And here is a link to KOLR 10 & KFSX 27 news coverage of the first Occupation in Springfield.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Operation Full Moon a Success!

Operation Full Moon was a success, lol! Chris and I had a really good night just sitting out under the moon tonight and making each other laugh. We talked to the girls a bit earlier in the night, told them about the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, and about a possible corn maze adventure. They were excited, maybe as much as me!

So Chris and I decided to take some pictures of the moon too. Yeah, not so good. We just have a simple point and shoot, your run of the mill digital camera. Well, as you can see, each attempt got progressively better... but no professional pics here folks! It was well worth the documenting though, and most importantly we had a lot of fun doing it   :)

Now how about those Chinese moon cakes??? Not. so. good. Because I couldn't find the ingredient list or anything wrote in English, I had trouble eating mine and they were fairly small. I can't explain what they tasted like because I've never eaten anything like 'em before!  All in all- tonight was a great bonding experience with my most wonderful husband. Mission accomplished.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Full Moon Tomorrow!

So tomorrow is the full moon! Chris and I have planned to sit outside and meditate during the full moon. AND we will also eat our full moon cake that Lou Rogers (owner of our favorite sushi hang-out) gave us last week  :)

I don't think he even realized that the full moon was so close! He told us (he is from China) that it is a Chinese tradition to sit out under the full moon on the Chinese New Year and partake in full moon cakes with your family and loved ones. While eating the cute little cakes (I'll post a picture!) you talk about what changes you will make for the better in the upcoming year.

Well tomorrow night is not Chinese New Year, but it is a full moon and we plan on eating those cakes!!! We'll have our own little tradition, lol! P.S. I've also added a full moon calendar link to the left, under Awesomeness. Enjoy!

Monday, October 10, 2011


This shocking documentary is another must see, in my book anyways. I believe it is the most shocking video of truth that you will ever see. All I ask is that you watch with an open mind, setting aside your beliefs for the next 2 or so hours. Or break it up and watch 30 minutes here, 30 minutes there. I realize if you're not used to these things, it can be kinda hard to just sit and watch for an extended period of time!

I did research a litany of these facts that were brought up. In what I could dig up or research- most things panned out dead on. 

I will admit the 1st hour and 45 minutes are rather depressing, talking mostly about how the deck is so stacked against us, and only the last 15 minutes or so talk about how we can change this with love. It would have been quite wonderful to turn the ratio from 75% negativity to 75% positivity! Anywho, enjoy!

Should I Start A New Business Venture?

So as I mentioned yesterday, I have some very exciting news to share, or maybe to "bounce off" my readers... My Quote Of The Day yesterday was from C..S Lewis-  "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream". Those are some pretty powerful words.

For the past week or two I have been drawn to crystals and their energy and transformational properties. Just really drawn to crystals and learning as much as I can about them. For instance, certain crystals and gemstones have healing properties. They can help heal ailments, disease and dis-ease, strengthen auras, cleansing, creating, and so much more.

I am asking and inquiring about learning Crystal Healing techniques. And perhaps I just may start my own business. Rent out an office and go with it. It's all very exciting to me! I don't think I will charge a fee for my services. I do understand that I will need to make a living to pay my bills, as my husband stated, lol! BUT I firmly believe that if I just ask for donations for services provided, my office rent will get paid and I will receive sufficient money thereafter for personal bills. Plus I still want to do hair, because it is a passion of mine, (and I have my set fees already for that).

* I do apologize if this post is scattered in every direction. I have a lot of people around me, all talking at the moment, and I keep losing my train of thought! *

So... that is the exciting news. I'll keep everyone updated on how this rolls out   :)

Shake it off!

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway;
it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing.
He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up
over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!

Remember the 5 simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from God.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Quote Of The Day

This quote has a lot of meaning to me especially right now, I will explain more later tonight. I'm so excited!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

A "Quick" Opening Of The Quickening

I love the opening introduction to The Quickening video....

"As increasingly intense events unfold in the coming months, they will teach humanity the lessons of pride and humility by demonstrating the futility of our efforts to control the world outside of ourselves. When people finally tire of wishing that the world is something that it isn't, and when they learn to be at peace with the way things are, then they will see it all as part of the divine plan, then may they also learn to see that exerting ones personal will to try to stop these events from happening would be like trying to stop others from having the same opportunity for learning.

For it is our selfishness and ignorant use of free will that has brought us collectively into our present state of existence. Therefore, perhaps it is only by an 180 degree reversal through selflessness, through the complete and utter surrender of ourselves and our personal will to the divine will of the Dao that we may allow the forces of true change and redemption to work through us and liberate us completely through the unholy illusion of this world."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Galactic Federation of Light SaluSa 5.5.2011

A Quick Update of the last few days...

Here is a quick update of the daily happenings in the last 72 hours:

1. Smudging went EXTREMELY well. Haven't had any negative or scared feelings when meditating or lurking around the new place. We smudged the whole house and garage, then each other. I felt so much lighter after it was said and done, even got the best sleep I've had in awhile, for the past two days  :) Yay for that!

2. Laptop informed me that I have a malfunction with one of my drivers now that I installed a new web-cam. Sooo long story short- my laptop will crash any day now. Going to have to break down and buy a new one finally. It could go today or two months from now. Like a wild card, no one knows for sure. So I am going to have to put off my Youtube project of vlogging (to go along with blogging) for a bit, bummer, I was pretty psyched too.

3. I'm attending a lady's retreat with Karen Druyker (spelling) this weekend. It's going to be an awesome time of fellowship, I can feel it!

4. Had a great lunch with my Dad the other day for his birthday- it was much needed!

5. I bought a new book about crystals and their healing powers. Started a really good book on channeling, And also got a new, but hugely discounted, book on symbolism in dreams and their meanings.

So that about catches you all up! I think... lol!

Rant Worth Listening To

Caution- Frequent use of the F- bomb (if offended easily I don't recommend watching) But this man represents 99% of the world population, and he speaks his frustration very blunt and direct!

Occupy Springfield, Coming To A Town Near You!

So, you've surely heard of Occupy Wall Street by now. When I first heard of it, the television and news programs were not covering it. Not one bit. But all that's changing! Occupy Wall Street in New York has been operating for around three weeks now.

For those of you who don't know what's going on, here's Wikipedia's entry

Well yesterday by a strange series of events, I was led to the Occupy Springfield FaceBook page. Just a few days ago I was trying to come up with a way I could reach out and start a movement here and "bam" (as Emeril would say), it was hand delivered straight to me, signed and sealed! Man I love the Universe! The first meeting was lastnight at a local park to discuss possible venues for protest and such.

Here is the news coverage in Springfield KSPR wrote about the meeting and the group.

Anddd.... a few photos of the first meeting at Phelps Grove Park lastnight courtesy of  C. Annies Photography.

And lastly AnonOps Communications. Where it all started. They're keeping us updated through anonymous video being recording at Occupy Wall Street New York, sadly along with all the police brutality that is going on. Stay tuned folks. I'll keep you updated on my end. 

We are the 99%.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2012, Evolution Of Consciousness, Not The End

The year 2012 is not going to be the end of the world! It will be a time of great joy and great sorrow, yes, but not the end of humanity as we know it! There will be natural disasters, people might die, and life will be different than we ever thought possible. But for those who know the purpose of the coming energy shifts, it will be an amazing transformation time for our spiritual being! And for those of us that choose to walk into the 5th dimension with LOVE as our NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, will experience the most marvelous evolution!!!! I for one, am very excited   :)

Quote Of The Day

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I've Hesitated To Post This...

I'm still not sure I'm going to blog this post when I'm done writing it. I admit, it even sounds crazy to me, when I tell people what's been going on in my life lately. I don't tell many people, only those closest to me. If one of them had came to me and told me what I'm about to tell you- I would half believe them.

Well actually I would totally believe them now! You know how you hear some pretty far out things that happen to other individuals. But until it happens to you, you're pretty skeptical? Well, that was me.

We just moved recently, so we've been going non stop for the last couple of weeks before the big move. Right before we found out we would be making a move, we converted one of the guest rooms into a meditation room. Remember me sharing that with you? Then a bit later I shared a post explaining how sometimes I got scared in our new meditation room. I felt like someone was watching me. Then each time I meditated it got increasingly worse. I would become more and more scared.

So, fast forward the move, and we are settled in our new home. The second night in the house Chris and I tried to meditate in our bedroom. It didn't go to well. I was the most scared I had been to date. I had an overwhelming sense of dread and trepidation. Chris kept telling me he could feel it too. After a couple more nights of just trying to work through it and keep pressing on (while invoking Archangel Michael and God to protect me with their white light) I just couldn't do it anymore. It was physically exhausting me. Plus I was experiencing light but annoying headaches that would not go away, days on end.

I kept waking up in the mornings with scratches and bruises all over my body. Chris said even if one of us had a hang nail, it wouldn't create that many scratches. And what about the bruises? I was starting to get really frustrated I couldn't meditate anymore for fear of being attacked, or just plain scared out of my mind. I love meditating. I was reaching planes I had never even imagined before. Good things were happening, doors were opening, it was amazing. Then it all had to come to a sudden halt.

Fast forward a few more days and I am sitting in church and we always do a full minute of meditation at service. One of my favorite parts of the message! This Sunday was one of the most attended services in a long time. The chairs were packed with people! So imagine the energy from everyone when we began meditation.

Oh boy. It was not good. After only five or six seconds I was terrified. I couldn't move. My body felt paralyzed. I couldn't move my head, my arms, nothing. I couldn't speak. I felt like two hands were forcing my shoulders down. Planting me in place. I wanted to jump up and run- and fast. Tears silently slid down my cheeks but that was all the movement I could muster. After those 60 long seconds and meditation broke- so did whatever was going on with me. I fought the urge to jump up and run straight to the bathroom. Chris looked over at me and seen me crying, he didn't say anything. I think he thought I was just moved by the meditation!

Finally I started asking people, "what is going on here?" I've gotten a lot of feed back. Then I went to a really awesome store here in town, where a very helpful employee helped me learn how to smudge with sage to cleanse the negative or darkness from me and our home. So.... this is what I will be doing tonight when Chris arrives home from work. I'll upload a video on smudging so you can see what it is I'm referring to. I really hope this works. I don't think all the entities are negative around me. Maybe none of them are. My father in law had a pendulum dousing done for me, and the world renowned Robert Pettit told him that there were 3 entities that have attached themselves to me. Close friends or relatives that have passed away but are stuck and can not move on. I'm not sure what to make of any of this. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed! Namaste'

Breaking The Illusion Of Limitation

Our opinions are formed mostly through television programming. It's not called "programming" for nothing.

Two Suns???

All around the world people are seeing TWO SUNS. Some people say it is Planet X or Nibiru....Others say it is a very rare optical refraction. But I'm not sure I dig the governmental response about optical refraction. If it is indeed so very rare- why have sightings been happening as far back as 2007, steady into the end of 2011. Wouldn't seem that rare of an occurrence if that is the case. And remember Nostradamus predicting "the cloud will make the sun appear double."

A lot of people are also saying that the chem trails in their city are becoming more and more popular as of late. I can attest to this while taking my husband to work last week. About 6:30 am, the sky was FULL of chem trails. Like grid work. Which is why we noticed it, when normally we don't.

More and more people from all over the world are coming out with their picture and/or video proof. Check it out for yourself. Here are a few videos I've ran into lately.

In the next video you can see where they are trying to chem trail as fast as they can to "fog up" the sky....

And also one of many videos shot seeing two moons.

Funny, in 1984 Hollywood made a movie titled 2001 Space Odyssey. In the movie- it speaks of two suns. "Some day the people of the new sun, will meet the children of the old, and I think they will be our friends." 

Wow! That blew my mind! Here's the clip, very very interesting. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

New Topics Coming Very Soon!

For those of you following my blog, first of all, thank you! And second, I have so much more to introduce to you. So much more information that has came to me in the last few days! So much to post, so little time, lol!

But alas, today is my Dad's birthday so I have a ton of errands to run this morning and afternoon. I'll definitely play catch up when I get a chance to be back home later in the evening. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, here's to a wonderful week   :)

P.S. Happy Birthday To The Best Father Ever! I love You!