Friday, September 30, 2011

Canada, Russia, and Germany- oh my!

I am so very excited! I was looking at blog stats and I am happy to report.... I now have people viewing my blog in Canada, Germany, and Russia! It is so awesome to know that my words can reach so far. I would have never thought in a million years that someone from another country would ever get to know what was on my mind. Can you tell I'm a beginner to this? It is all so fresh and exciting, new and full of wonders. Like a child I guess you could say.

Well that's fine with me, let me view this experience as through a child's eyes. I think the whole world should be viewed from a child's perspective. I love showing our girls new things they have never seen, or even knew existed. The awe and wonder they proclaim is just fascinating to me. It makes me want to see it through their eyes all over again. What an awesome concept.

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting! I am reading from Japan! You can add us too. Spread the seed. You are doing wonderful job!
