Friday, September 23, 2011

I Have Three Eyes?!?!

The third eye is a chakra that is responsible for what we call "second sight". Intuitive perception. It is by the third eye that people see ghosts, auras and other usually non-visible phenomena. The perceptions of the third eye are not limited by time or space. The third eye sees energy patterns, and it is not limited by distance. So focusing on the third eye, you can see things that are happening on the other side of the world. You can see things that happened in the past. And you can see potential events that happen in the future. It's not recommend spending a lot of time doing that, as the point of power is always in the here and now. It's actually much simpler just to use it to observe your own energy patterns, to look inside of yourself, and see how you are doing.
When you close your eyes and roll them towards your forehead, in a dark room, do you see a light? If the third eye is well opened, you should see a golden glow that might appear donut-shaped. It may be an irregular glow, it may be so large that you can only see the bottom of the donut ring, or the donut may have a tiny light in the center.
At some point, you may get a blue light appearing. It's very tiny. Muktananda referred to this as the "blue pearl of wisdom". If this light shows up, ask it to stay and guide you, and be your guide for the rest of your life. And if you ask it, then it will. And you can ask it anything because it knows everything.
Sometimes in a light trance or in dim light the physical and inner visions overlap, and you may see spirits or auras with your physical eyes. That is why ghosts are most often seen at twilight. The third eye is also more active in the peripheral vision, and that is why you sometimes may see things out of the corner of your eye, that vanish when you look straight at them. To see these things, keep your head and eyes still and turn your inner eye to focus on the anomaly.
Kung Fu Masters and speed readers both make use of a type of "soft focus" that expands the abilities of the peripheral vision. To try it, focus on a single object very intently, then without moving your eyeballs, let your focus soften so you can see the other objects around the one you are focusing on with equal clarity. Keep your eyes forward and contemplate what you can see in your peripheral vision. Try it now, with your computer screen. Gradually soften your focus to take in your monitor, then the area around your computer, while still seeing these words clearly. 

Thank you to

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to open my third eye for years. I'm almost there! I can feel it twitching sometimes when I meditate. Have you ever felt that? Great blog by the way, a joy to read :)
