Saturday, September 24, 2011

Failure To Launch (and a side note)

I have attempted several times tonight to meditate. Failure. I can't seem to focus for some reason. I tried 4 different guided meditations, but nada.

Most nights that I meditate with Chris beside me, he falls asleep! Then it gets really distracting trying to focus with him snoring right next to me. I feel bad that he falls asleep so often when we decide to meditate together. We mainly chose to do so at night, after he's been at work anywhere from 10 to 13 hours on a given day. I would fall asleep too! I bet he gets so relaxed he just drifts off into peaceful slumber.

I still struggle with racing thoughts, though I do have to say, the more I meditate daily, the easier it is to focus- most times. Just recently, we made one of our guest bedrooms into a meditation room.... The weirdest thing was happening almost nightly. I would go in and prepare the room how I like it. Turn off the overhead light, light some tea lights, burn an incense cone, and put in a meditation cd- sometimes guided and some times not. I would start to meditate and then all the sudden I would become very fearful. Of what I have no clue. Just the sensation of being afraid would sweep through my body. The longer I tried to clear my thoughts of being afraid, and kept telling myself I was acting silly, the more terrified I would become.

I've never had that happen until we made the actual room for nothing but meditating. Before we decorated it and what not, we used to meditate all the time in there, and I never felt that way. Oddly enough, when Chris and I meditated together it intensified my fearfulness. I felt like I was being watched.

It has since stopped, but also, we no longer have an extra bedroom dedicated to meditation anymore. has anyone else ever felt this way?

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