Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spirituality And Meditation

Spirituality cannot be explained it can only be experienced. In that sense, spirituality is quite different from religion since spirituality itself is a sequence of experiences not teachings or beliefs. This is how a person can be spiritual and be of any religious faith. Or of no religious faith at all.
One of the most efficient and easiest ways to feel closer to God and to your inner light, soul, body or whatever else you may call it, is through meditation. When you meditate, you allow yourself to be at one with yourself, with your light, and with the universe as a whole. For those few moments that you meditate, your subconscious takes over and reminds you of what is our natural state; that of spiritual beings. We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience. Hence, we should not forget this and should feed our spiritual lives every day through meditation.
Even if for just a few minutes, regular meditation will help you spiritually, socially, and physically.Meditating can be an incredibly healing process for yourself both physically and spiritually. As you meditate, you will see the difference in yourself and how you see life and others.

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