Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Crystal Child's Take on The Illuminati

The other thing I really wanted to share with you is our perspective on the Illuminati or any kind of forces that are causing a lot of discord - please understand that humanity is conditioned to believe they’re a worthless piece of coal under extreme heat and pressure. And the heat and pressure can be perceived as the Illuminati, or anything that causes discord. What happens to a piece of coal under extreme heat and pressure? It becomes a diamond!

So they’re doing us a service, in helping us step in and take back our power. There’s a major motivation force that is alchemy, even if humanity’s a sea of potential and in order to grow into its loveliness it needs a lot of fertilizer dumped on it - shit.

I wanted to also say about the Illuminati, that I really see them as a bully in high school, that they’re very insecure and very afraid, more so of us than we are of them.

And, to me, I just see them as the Wizard of Oz, that they’re smoke and mirrors, “great and powerful.”

But when you get to the root and the heart of the matter, it’s a frail old man behind the curtain.

A Crystal Child Speaks Out  
-Jessica Schab  View Jessica's 50 minute interview

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