Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Little Grasshopper

Last night the girls walked into our new meditation room, and exclaimed with ooohs and ahhs! When I told them it was a new space to clear our minds and hearts to just be one with ourselves and meditate, Lexi jumped up and down while shouting, "I know how to meditate! Let's do it right now"!!!

Who am I to tell her no, LOL! So I turned off the lights, lit the incense, turned on a few tealights and pushed play on our new meditation cd. About that time I look over at Lexi and she is sitting cross legged on the floor, on a pillow, with her arms resting on top of legs, palms up. My heart was so full of love at that moment! My little grasshopper! Emma mimicked us and we began. It was a lot different trying to meditate with two little ones in there with me! Emma kept whispering asking if she was doing it right, and what the noises were. But Alexis was truly into it. We eventually sat silently for about five minutes... which is an eternity for a 7 and 5 year old.

So imagine my surprise when I awoke this morning to Lexi asking if we could meditate before breakfast! Made my day!

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