Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Meditation Made Easy... or so I thought

So the husband and I are getting more and more serious about our meditation. After seeing the amazing results that are being  blessed upon us by the Universe, after only a few nights of meditation. People have noticed a calm shift in Chris' Spirit and are letting him know almost daily. What a blessing!

After pouring over tons of d.i.y meditation spaces on the internet, Chris and I have decided to create our own meditation room. Seeing as we only have a three bedroom house, and the girls occupy the second bedroom, our guest room will have to suffice! I am so excited to get started, but still have no idea where to begin!

I will admit, I thought meditation would come hard to Chris, since I have always labeled him with ADD. In contrast I figured it would be easy breezy for me to just jump in head first... Boy was I wrong! Chris is amazing, very good focus and ability to calm the outside noises and racing thoughts. Me? The first time I tried to meditate, (are you ready) I was trying to clear my mind, while thinking about nothing but the color black, which lead to me trying to stop consciously thinking of thinking about the color, then thinking why am I thinking anything? Even the color black, just let it be. Then I heard a car drive by and I thought about why the gas prices raised so dramatically in two days.... well.... you get the picture! It's been a struggle for me needless to say, but it's getting much easier with practice!

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