Friday, September 16, 2011

The Time To Prepare Is Now

The world has arrived at a point at which there will be a sharing of the resources on this planet. The spiritual hierarchy has decreed it. This old system of greed must give way to a new order, in which ALL are allowed to prosper in the abundance of the planet. There is abundance for all. No one needs to go hungry. No one has to die from lack of medical services. Our earth is filled with resources and there is enough for everyone.

The powerful and the wealthy will not allow this to happen peacefully. And so there will be struggles. This is not meant to generate fear, but rather, an impromptu warning to those who do not understand that there must be a setting aside or saving of resources for those times when the resources will be lean. Even in the Bible, there are stories about conservation of resources because there are cycles of lean years.

The time has come when there will be a sifting between the dark forces and the forces of light. It will not be easy, but be assured that it will be resolved for our betterment IF you stay calm and in peace. Do not get caught up in negativity, even though the world we see seems so negative. We need to go within and find the solace that has been promised to us from the Creator.

All will change no matter how much struggle there will be against it. We can not change this fact. But we can prepare.

The most important thing is to protect yourself from fear. I know this is a difficult thing to do when there seems to be a darkness in our future, but it can be done. Keep sending out positive thoughts to the Universe, and the Universe will bring back those positive thoughts clothed in physicality.

Everyone can come through the trials peacefully if you ponder the thought that these illusions of difficulties are just that, illusions. They may seem to be tragedy, but in reality, there is a shifting between energies so that a greater good can come to the human race.

Truth and love WILL win out. It will become irresistible and cannot be undermined. This is the cycle that was planned many years ago and it is upon our doorstep.

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