Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Christian? Who? Me?

My husband and I were accused of not being a true Christian last night! Our first response was, whaaaat, you thought we were trying to follow Christianity? After a short chuckle between the two of us, he responded, we are not Christians, NO WAY. NO HOW.

Do we strive to be more Christ like? Yes. Jesus was full of light and love. He was an advanced soul who came to the Earth plane with the intention of informing us that we can directly experience a level of Prime Creator and find out for ourselves what truth is by directly going within. Jesus' mission was to tell us to be our own judges as to what our destiny should be.

But Christianity as well as other religions, have skewed these details. Some were merely misinformed, while others had reason to control the minds and hearts of those who follow their tenets.

So, no, my friends I am not a Christian. I do not practice under any religion. I am a spiritual being, striving to be more full of light and love every day. I believe in Spirituality, not Religion.


  1. This is where you are led when reading Jewish Scriptures through a non-Jewish perspective..... in circles with very little truth.

  2. I am sorry you feel that way. But I respect your choice in religion as I'm sure you do the same in return! Love you :)
