Saturday, September 17, 2011

Q & A Time (Beginners to My Blog)

I had so so so many questions when I was first introduced to my new found way of life. Everything I was ever taught was just a small bit of the real information I possessed to know. Like I've said before, I've never felt whole, or truly connected to "God" until these past few months.

I can only imagine what you all think when you read my blog. What in the world has happened to Stacy? She is some fruit loop now! A freak! One of those people! A weirdo! It's okay, I get it. I was you not less than a few months ago. I just wasn't ready for all this wealth of  information yet... I was being prepared, I just didn't know it yet! But now that I know all I know (and much more to learn) I could never turn back.

So I have a feeling I should jot down some Q&A. Some questions I had at the beginning of this wonderful journey, and share the answers I have found since then. To maybe give you a heads up on some of the stuff I wish I had known up front. I will not lie. Some of it seems a little sci-fi. Hard to grasp and understand on our human level. I will start with the basics. Who we truly are, who is God, where we go when we die, so called heaven and hell, etc... Please leave me feedback, negative or positive. And if you have ANY questions, don't hesitate to ask and I will try my hardest to find the answer!

I now have a hard link My Early Questions: Who? What? How? As always, enjoy!

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